Garden.Potato.Porn and other Musings

Uh… got your attention? Yes, although we are a modest bunch of organic gardeners, we also step into our naughty roles every once in a while - in a purely wholesome and healthy sort of way. One of Wednesday night's work party tasks was to dig deep for those lovely dirty little gems laying in wait… yes… potatoes! 
Potato Babes!

The weather was fine and although it was a relatively small turn out we beautified our garden space like nobody's business. Our other tasks included tidy up/weeding westside common area..weeding and cutting old raspberry canes and tying up new canes..edging part of back garden..compost maintenance..propagation of moss in front entrance..weeding front boulevard..deep watering..cleanup of Florida Patio..beautify shady bench area..creation of stone pond..cleanup of back of shed..herb garden spruce up..etc

Little Hen 

Chop your compost offerings please!
Potato Frenzy

Gorgeous little ceramic labels throughout the garden made by our Potato Babes

Our reward at the end of the evening was a lovely bunch of potatoes to take home. Enjoy the rest of the harvest season!

1 comment:

Kevin Kim said...

Beautiful people, beautiful plants, and even more beautiful potatoes! (I love potato!) It's said that the community garden is affected by the conflict between the city and the CP.