'Ma' - nure Organic Compost

Over-wintered Arugula

Ahhh... yellow crocuses Primulas & purple crocus

Spring is almost sprung -
which meant our annual delivery of compost to enrich our soil for the upcoming growing season. Compost delivery always ensures a good turnout of our garden members - over 33 peeps today!
Hellebores (Christmas Rose)

The members pitched in and did a good cleanup of the garden while waiting for the compost to arrive.

You want me to do what?!

What's especially special about this year's compost is that it's clean as a whistle... well as close to clean as possible for manure tee hee. Kudos to Barb for schmoozing Thomas Reid farm guy to give us a community garden price that fit within our budget and organizing the delivery.

The compost originates from organic chickens and it's absolutely scrumptious - no nasty chemi smells - ju
st earthy, black, crumbly and no c**p in it! I could almost hear my arugula sighing with joy. My Salt Spring seeds this year will have a worthy platform in which to grow - now let's pray for more sun - not snow!!

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