Spring is around the corner...

Spring is just around the corner…we are having our usual Vancouver weather where it seems like it's almost ready to garden again and then all of a sudden it's freezing again! The earth is sopping wet so those extra cold days and nights freeze the ground, then it thaws out for a bit, then it freezes again. Don't be tempted to get started yet. I have been thinking about planting my sweet pea seeds but I'm gonna wait until March. Although the 2014 gardening season will soon be here - enjoy the incredible end of winter beauty in our garden now - snowdrops are in their glory (lots this year) and the bulbs are already part way up. The grass is green as can be. Before you know it our first work party of the season will be upon us (March 8th).
Japanese Anenome fluffy seed heads - still in place after the winter rains! Amazing.
Okay - not at our garden - but the ducks at Jericho Park. Their partial skating rink the other day
Galanthus - snow drops - February jewels (see last year's post for this gorgeous botanical's provenance)

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