Happy Solstice and Super Moon - Spring into Summer

By all accounts - the June evening work party was a raging success. The garden is always being improved... and the work parties always contribute to keeping our garden in tip top shape. Thanks to all the members who turned out for the pre-Solstice event.

This year's summer solstice was on Friday, June 21st. Here is a link to a most interesting article on the solstice from the National Geographic:   2013 Summer Solstice

A few recent shots from the garden.
Friendly Fly on the Lovely Lilies about to burst
Simply Natural
Small Amusements at Our Table
Our Hobbit Tree has some new additions

Sorry - another fly shot - I don't normally like flies!
Interesting Grass by the middle bench
Hobbit Tree moth...
Radicchio - looks as good as it tastes

Could not get a good closeup shot - but the Northern Flickers have been hanging out in our garden again! Watch for them - they are lovely. I didn't know this before - but apparently they are on the endangered species list because of predatory birds. We are graced with their presence in our garden.

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