Garden Upgrades

Our lovely new sign!
The iris's are amazing this year
Amazing garden upgrades were accomplished at our latest work party... some highlights include a new boulevard  squash bed, the installation of our lovely Kitsilano Garden sign (stay tuned for our whimsical directional sign at the back - a work in progress), our 'found' basalt stones installed in front of the new bench on the west side of the garden, new hobbit tree pockets for planting, hanging our vintage original garden sign on the back of the shed, maintenance and clean up of the compost, weeding, weeding, weeding. 
'The Future Site...' our original vintage garden sign
Peek a boo
Alliums - spectacular
Which sandwich should I have next?
Thanks to all our members who attended in a bit of a drizzly Saturday morning to get this incredible amount of work done in our beautiful garden.
Our guest 91-year-old worker - blessed by a forget-me-not blossom - thanks Dad!
Thank you Kitsilano Whole Foods - yummy organic food
Prepping the future location of our direction sign - stay tuned
Squash bed crew member!
umbrella at the ready
Hobbit Tree additions

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